High Availability
For business continuity and compliance, maintaining a redundant database cluster is crucial.
In the cloud, a systemically proper redundancy solution is essential in case of failure of a node.
Mitigation of the risk of transaction loss is done by a proper design of your DB infrastructure.
We implement the solutions with native replication mechanisms and third-party tools:
Control of DB clusters & automatic failovers
Using multiple gateways: Virtual IP , HAproxy, ProxySQL, MaxScale, Consul
Signal 18 Replication Manager for MySQL / MariaDB
Master failovers for High Availability
Monitoring and backup solution automations
Automation of configurations and service deployments on various Open Source orchestrators like Kubernetes, OpenSVC, SlapOS
Fully synchronous DB clusters
The standard for highly available, multi-node, distributed database clusters
Full virtual synchrony with Galera for MariaDB / MySQL
Multi-Master Replication with MySQL
Synchronous Replication with PostgreSQL
Prevention of transaction loss & performance
High Availability and replication topologies differ between DB brands and chosen options
Similar to commercial DBMS, there exists a technical tradeoff between synchronicity and quick commit in a distributed system
We help you to define an optimal DB cluster topology combining speed and transaction-safe distribution
Integration of proprietary solutions
With legacy commercial DBMS (Oracle etc.), DB replication had sometimes been implemented as proprietary, i.e. non-standard
We help you to modernize your proprietary solution by replacing it with built-in replication of the respective Open Source DBMS, e.g. MariaDB / MySQL
Our high quality standards ensure that your new, simplified solution preserves the original functions