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Our expert team

     With 20+ years of expertise in database industry, we understand both: The challenges and the benefits of        

          migrating existing database applications - these include e.g.  CRM, ERP and inventory systems  - from

              legacy commercial database solutions to new ones, based on Open Source.

The proven target databases with which we have helped numerous customers to reduce costs, are:

 MariaDB® ,   MySQL®  and  PostgreSQL® .


Specializes in relational database technology for over 20 years. Conducts and leads database projects and migrations of complex business applications with international teams, incl. banking, insurance, financial services, telecommunications and automotive.

Alexander was also leading the Migration Practice for MariaDB Corporation Ab for several years, with database migration projects worldwide.


Joffrey Michaïe joined MySQL Ab / Sun Microsystems (now Oracle Corporation) as a consultant in 2009 and quickly became one of the most prominent consultants. He has since joined SkySQL (now MariaDB Corporation) and continued to spread the word as a Principal Consultant.

Joffrey's common duties include designing architectures, tuning the performance, and helping in troubleshooting and migrating databases installations using MariaDB and MySQL.

Joffrey relocated to Mauritius in November 2016 and commutes between Barcelona, Paris and Mauritius since.


Ulrich started his career as database systems developer in 1985, his first task being an authentication and authorization system for a DBMS. His major areas of work are data management and information security. Taking over responsibility for the SQL parser, he also got involved in the development of the SQL-92 standard. Starting in the 1990s, he worked as Senior Solution Architect and Enterprise Architect for various companies mainly in the area of Information Security. 

From 2009 to 2012 he worked as professor at the University of Applied Sciences Berne in Switzerland, lecturing on Information Management and Enterprise Architectures. His enterprise ZPK Moser offers consulting, business coaching and trainings.

Ulrich is regularly engaged as trainer und consultant for MySQL and MariaDB combining his expertise in databases with that in Information Security helping to plan and implement secure database and application operations.


Michaël works as an expert in open-source databases, High Availability set-ups and scalable architectures. He is a well-renown consultant and trainer for the MySQL ecosystem, including MariaDB and Percona Server.

Michaël has extensive knowledge on all major storage engines and technologies: InnoDB, XtraDB, Asynchronous replication, Galera Cluster, Spider, ColumnStore, CONNECT storage engine, ProxySQL, MaxScale, plus Linux, networking and virtualization.


Stéphane Varoqui started his career in 1994 in the market of data conversion requiring knowledge of hardware assembly and C. After 2001 he found his real passion for the inside of database systems, starting with traditional RDBMS like Informix, Sybase, MS SQL, up to embedded and NoSQL solutions. 

He officialy joined the MySQL team in 2005 and switched to SkySQL/MariaDB as first employee in 2010.

Stéphane is now the CIO/CTO of the company, leading the development of Signal 18 Replication Manager (SRM), an Open Source solution enabling for database orchestration on-premise and in various cloud solutions.

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